
24 May 2012

Tube Maps

Three tube maps related postcards sent by Laura (the UK).

The fist one is a collage made by Laura from a real map of London's tube... But please, notice the name of stations: do you want to go until Compassion, or do you prefer to stop at JoyI published it some time ago.

The second one is about Shakespeare plays. It's absolutely amazing!

And the third postcard, also inspired in London's tube, shows the original names of pubs in Canterbury. Who doesn't like to drink a beer in The Flying Horse, The Bishop's Finger, the Rose & Crown and so on?


  1. Jo sóc del parer que es podria fer el de Shakespeare amb Rodoreda :) però amb el metro de Barcelona no sé si en tindríem prou...

    1. Jo no en sé prou de la Rodoreda per fer-ho, però... mmm, estic agafant idees!


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