
10 September 2012

Fiep's School

Sent by Heleen (the Netherlands).
Illustration by Fiep Westendorp (1916-2004). It is a very big postcard: 19 x 24 cm!!
Even if I got this postcard in July, I have decided to post it today because the school year is starting!

By the way: you can see here the postcards of Fiep that I've got. 


  1. Thank you for posting this!
    I am a big fan of Fiep Westendorp's illustrations.
    She's most famous for her children's books illustrations (like this one of Jip & Janneke, written by the also famous and late Annie M.G. Schmidt).
    But most interesting for me are the illustrations Fiep Westendorp made for articles about women's lives, in the Dutch/Amsterdam newspaper 'Het Parool'. She made them about 1950, and even more than 50 years later, I think them still so recognizable and temporary! (see for instance this one: - when you click above on 'Vrouwenpagina' you can find more of these illustrations).

    1. I am also now a big fan of Fiep, and I feel like reading more about her and her work. Do you think I can find her articles in English (or other language I can read)?


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.