
13 April 2013


It have been a great fun lately to take part in the mail art challenges of the Mail a Smile blog. As you know I was the lucky winner of challenge #1 and I received this amazing envelope as a prize:

And inside I found some stickers and... the nice Fred, whose name means 'peace' in Swedish. You can see that now he is peacefully sitting watching for my letters and postcards:

I had previously got another Fred, in the form of a beautiful green handmade card sent by Micu, as a thank you for my contribution to challenge #2:


You can see in the gallery all the handmade versions of Fred.


  1. Congratulations. Especially the knitted thing ( Fred) is funny, Hawwa! I only write letters, sent postcards but ... suddenly I'm gripped by 'the card-making virus.' So this week I send for the first time a snailmail with nice stuff to a girlfriend here in Holland. Heve a nice day.

    1. Be careful about the virus, Aritha: it's really dangerous!! Once you've started... phew, I guess you couldn't stop! :D

  2. Eva, it was nice to read this blogpost:) I am glad if Fred made made you smile:)

    1. Of course he did, he's a very nice... mmm... person? :P


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.