
05 April 2013

Sending Music & Smiles

Are you ready for the challenge #3 of Mail a Smile? The theme of the challenge this month is Music-playing an instrument (which can be freely interpreted as usual; see here how to participate).

You have until April 30th to make and send your mail art. to So get inspired and play on! 


  1. Hi!
    How are you?
    I'm Gabriela, from the Blog Mundo das Cartas ( Thanks for answer the questions at my blog.
    I'm sorry about my english, it's not the best. Unfortunatly, here in Brazil are not many people who like to write letters =/
    I'm knowing your blog right now, I love blogs that talk about letters!

    1. Você é sempre bem-vinda! Eu gosto muito do seu blogue e o leio sempre. Falo um bocado da sua língua.

      Não eu agora moro em Marrocos (mas venho da Espanha) e aqui as pessoas não gostam muito de escrever cartas. Mas eu gosto deste mundo das cartas!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.