
11 November 2014

Walking with the Mailman

At any rate, I feel pretty confident that we mailmen experience a lot of things that most people just don't have the luxury of experience.
Walking with the mailman by Austin Brown couldn't have a better title. Literally, through the different chapter you are walking with the author dealing with dogs, kids, your supervisor, the weather, the elderly people...

It isn't a novel, but a collection of anecdotes. Most of the stories are funny and related with sense of humour. And readers can learn how the postal service works in the United States.


  1. That looks like a 'must read' for me. It has gone on my Amazon wishlist.

  2. Gosh - I just went to Amazon and it is only .77p for the Kindle edition - that is less than a euro. So I have bought the Kindle edition. Thanks for the review.

    1. I got it for 0,99 €.
      I must say this is not a masterwork. Just entertaining, but still ok for people interested in mail matters. Tell me your opinion when you finish the book!

  3. I reflecteix la teua experiència a correus? Ha de ser molt divertit. No perds el ritme llegint i cosint, perquè ara el jersei, però fa res vas fer cartes de roba!! Peces d'art!

    1. Quan treballava a correus vaig escriure una cosa semblant. Però com que va ser tan poc de temps no tinc tantes anècdotes (encara que Déu n'hi do, sempre passen coses...).

      Cosir no ho faig molt bé (amb ma mare tinc el llistó massa alt). És la part que menys m'agrada de teixir!
      I llegir.. de vegades crec que llegeixo massa!


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