
07 December 2014

Postcard Club

Founded by Illustrator Ed Cheverton, Postcard Club promotes handmade postcard swaps between Artists around the world, as well as celebrating the wonderful practice of mail art. This blog acts to document and feature these exchanges in an attempt to encourage more people to swap artworks and generate a huge global network of postcard swappers. 
If you would like to swap postcards, please feel free to get in contact with anyone on the members list, or invite any artist you would like to get involved to swap with you! Once you have done a swap (with me or whoever) you’re a member of Postcard Club! 
Postcard Club Rules: All cards must be handmade by the artist.
I am not (still?) a member, but the postcards exchanged look amazing!


  1. Uau, són una autèntica passada! Quan hi participis penja'ls, eh!

  2. Sí, vostè és realment artista!

    1. Heleen, you should definitively participate ^^

    2. Thank you. But first I have to make an other LVQR and Coward Lion mail art for Eva!...
      (and also first I have to send you mirrors, Eutrapèlia - I posted one yesterday, sorry for the looooong delay!...)


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.