
11 December 2014

Walking the Mail in the Winter

«Walking the mail in the winter is a pretty unique experience overall. In our modern society one would think it strange that someone would actually have to tromp trough the snow for miles in order to deliver Victoria Secret catalogs and Wal-Mart fliers. But we do.»

Austin Brown, Walking with the mailman


  1. That's a nice text!

    ( I am not sure if I ever / already have send you the black-and-white postcard of an elder mailman in the winter?)

    1. I don't remember any mail carrier in the winter... (except for my former mailman in the village, but I haven't any postcard of him!)

  2. I am always surprised to see an old lady who every week drives to the postbox there is on my street. She stops her car by the postbox, sends a letter and drives away.

    1. That's a good start for a story... :D

      (This blog needs a picture of that postbox!).

    2. En realitat ja l'has vist, la bústia, és la que té el grafiti! Penjada al meu blog durant el primer mes que vaig arribar :p

    3. And I thought the samd thing: it'll make a great story!

    4. És de veres, la bústia. Ara me n'he recordat, però he buscat la foto al blog (del grafitti no me'n recordava).

      Has d'escriure la història! :)

      Estàs preparant l'equipatge?


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