
26 February 2015


Envelope sent to Alexander Limarev (Russia) for the mail art project ParallelsMade of a page of a magazine.

I was surprised that he did not published the envelope in which I had put some effort. He just posted  the boring index card I had used to write a quick note! (?! - Also the title is his).

Certainly, you never know how artists can (mis)understand your works...


  1. Interesting.... I would think he (and his co-curator) posted the index card because the card contains most parallel lines. Regarding the works he has received before, those also consist mainly of lines,and no human figures. So first I was -with you - surprised, but when over-thinking, I think I understandhis point of view, too.
    Anyway, it reminds me of being even more aware of how and what to send (in my 'early mail art years', when not having a p.o. box yet, I wrote only my email address on the envelope, mostly in a quick, terrible way, and some kind mail artist published this part of my envelope among my mail art.. I had put a lot of effort in a nice drawing, and then there was that terribly handwritten, barely readable emailaddress, too... :-/ :-) )

    Your and his post inspire me to create something for him,too (if I have enough time): a human or animal figure drawn in parallel lines, without any straight line... :-) , looking forward to knowing if he would accept it...

    1. I don't think so. He has published a lot of human figures and animals. See for instance this:
      Or this:
      Even a lot of works without any parallel line at all!
      So I have no reason to think Alexander didn't accepted the envelope. I tend to consider it arrived in bad condition after some weeks of travelling (that's usual in mail to Russia, you know). Or that it has been lost or forgotten... Who knows?

      The matter is interesting, anyway. I still love my envelope, though. It isn't usual that I can get matched stamps! So I'm happy I have this picture.

  2. You are right. I didn't look further than the page on which your note card was posted, and there it suited well, to my opinion.
    But the other posts indeed aren't showing any literally parallel at all (I had something else in mind thinking of parallels in human figures, the 'parallel girls' are nice but the other contributions make my eyebrows frown and my mouth say 'ieks' (don't know the translation of this startled exclamation).
    Hmm, I've some leftovers of notecards, maybe I'd better send them these in a drawn envelope, , to know if they'd skip the envelope, too :-| :-)

    1. And at least you've posted your envelope here. It indeed is a beautiful composition, the stamp being a great part of it.

    2. Thanks, Heleen. I've just received this comment in Twitter: "A nice spanish stamp with guitarist Paco de Lucía (2014) but the cover does not fit" (?!).

      Why? I think it fits a lot :D

  3. That's funny! I know you are disappointed that he didn't use your envelope, but when I saw this on his blog I thought - wow, very minimalist entry from Eva, unexpected and humorous at the same time, and all from a blank index card.

    I like your envelope a lot. The stamp works very well in my opinion, due to the colors that compliment your work.

    And I think you must now have really arrived as a mail artist - you have had your first negative review :)

    1. I must admit that it was the only stamp I had at that moment... But I consider it fits very well, because of the colours and because there are some parallel lines on it (besides the guitar).
      If you enlarge this image you can appreciate it better:

      When I saw the post in Alexander's blog, I was more surprised that disappointed, indeed. I hadn't considered the index card as part of the contribution. I had just written the note on the first piece of paper I found! In a sense, it's nice and amusing to see how mail speaks about us more than we thought/wished, isn't it?

      And I thought the same about that twit: all BIG artists are misunderstood ;-P

    2. There is an interesting discussion on IUOMA about art - and that it is generally believed in the art world that the artist's intention is irrelevant - the only important thing being how the observer perceives it. In other words, your art is changed by the person looking at it (or reading it, in the case of some mail art).

      Having said that, I think the parallels are pretty obvious on the dress on the envelope, at least. Bonus - you now have a lot of discussion here on your blog when you revealed it.

  4. M'he quedat tan perplexa com tu. Trobo que el sobre t'ha quedat preciós i molt ben lligat amb el tema i, tot i que considero que ho hauria d'haver publicat junt (sobretot quan li vas fer notar, perquè entenc que la fitxa el va il·luminar i va eclipsar la resta als seus ulls, cosa que com diuen fa pensar i també fa molta gràcia sentit explicar per algú), pensa en com va valorar la fitxa i el que va pensar que hi havies associat, el missatge que hi va llegir "entre línies" ;p

    1. Tot plegat m'ha semblat divertit, la veritat. Ja és prou miraculós que una carta com aquesta arribe a Sibèria, encara que hi esmerce un mes i mig...

      De vegades sembla que els e-mails també tarden sis setmanes. La comunicació no és molt fluida, així que ens quedarem sense saber què va ser realment.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.