
23 March 2015

Evanescent Mail Art

Sent by Micu (Hungary).

I think this is the most ephemeral art I have ever received. This is painted with chalk on a toilet paper cardboard (I guess). The chalk was still visible when it arrived but I am not sure that it will remain long time. It says nevető tehén ('laughing cow' in Hungarian).


  1. I was a (small) part of a discussion about the ephemeral nature of mail art in general over at IUOMA. This takes it to a literal level. I suppose if the laughing Hungarian cow fades completely, you can recycle the canvas and transform the piece.

  2. Art will find a way. The art is sweet. The artist has mad talent. :) Lucky you!

  3. És estrany que arribés intacte! Això de la pissarra està molt de moda, ara. Li ha quedat molt bé, però era ben arriscat.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.