
12 March 2015


From now on, I'm a proud member of the Letter Writers Alliance. And you?


  1. Congratulations! Must be fun and nice!
    I won't join, because I am not that good in writing letters (I still owe you a long letter...)

    Funny that their welcome letter hasn't been handwritten :-) (this is no criticism - concerning my own handwriting I should typewrite them, and I never mind if someone sends me a typewritten letter - but it's just a funny idea, reading these typewritten compliments on handwritten letters).

    1. Actually, I'm not looking for penpals (I have more than I can manage). I just found it funny to belong to this club, and membership is forever. I penpal recommended it and I thought I could support this ladies who are trying to save the mail world a letter a time.

      Why do you say you aren't good at writing letters? I love yours! :)
      And don't worry about "owing" a long letter: write as you wish/can/prefer. If we consider that, I owe you hundreds of handmade postcards! :D

      I thought the same about hand/type writing. But I think the LWA has growing bigger that the creators thought, so it must be impossible to handwrite all these answers. Anyway, the stationery (vintage style) is great.

  2. p.s. I love their stamp 'by pigeon'!!

    1. It's wonderful! And also the slogan written on the postcard.

  3. To start your question "and you?": I've just apllied to becoming a member, too :-)
    You were right, be it a long or short letter, be it in my sometimes unreadable handwriting or even typed: a letter writer ís a letter writer :-)
    Fun to join such a nice alliance with so many colleagues worldwide. A pleasure to join you :-)

    Concerning managing mail, also I am getting overwhelmed, having received more mail art than I can manage (= reply within an acceptable amount of time..). Snailier than snail mail.... Despite of that, mail adventures keep on being great and fun.

    1. That's the eternal question: if we get a lot of mail, we feel overwhelmed; if we find our mailbox empty we feel disappointed... :)

      Anyway, I agree with you, mail adventures provide us a lot of fun!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.