
15 March 2015

Space Exploration On Three Stamps

This weeks Sunday Stamps-II's theme is Time of exploration: space. I'm sure I have received more stamps about this topic, but I am not able to find them. So I am showing you just three.

Stamp issued by Poste Italiane on April 12, 2011. It is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space. On April 12, 1961 the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin realized the first complete orbit around the Earth. In the right foreground you can see the spacecraft Vostok 3KA.

The following stamp depicts what the cosmonaut saw during his 108 minute mission...

And the third one belongs to the set Space Achievement issued by USPS on May 21, 1981. I received it on a letter just last month! It depicts the spacecraft Pioneer 2.

The complete set (I wouldn't mind to receive it!):

Interesting Wikipedia link as a bonus: US Space Exploration Stamps.


  1. Great selection. I like the Italian one a lot. I'm also showing one of the USA space achievement set, and I almost included the global forever one for the same reason you wrote.

    1. I was looking for Spanish stamps about this topic, but I couldn't find anyone (?).

  2. I have the global forever stamp would never have thought of linking it like this. Cool Italian stamp.

    1. I hadn't a lot of stamp to show here... :)

  3. I have the complete set of the 1981 stamps! I'll never use them!

  4. Really interesting postmarks! I really like them because I am a bit interested in astronautics! Yesterday I watched Apollo 13 ;)
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  5. The Italian one is really nice.
    (and I never thought of using the global forever stamp!)

    1. :D That's what happens with common stamps: we don't really look at them!

  6. Oh yes that complete sheet is superb, one to lust after I think.


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