
29 March 2015

Woods on Stamps

Today the theme of Sunday Stamps - II is Woodlands, Forests, Parks or Gardens.

This stamp was released on 23rd April 2011 by Lietuvos Paštas and took part in the Europa Stamp competition. The theme that year was Forest.

Maybe you consider this one a bit off-topic. I received it last week and I can but love the design as well as the message. It was issued on 28th April 2014 by Magyar Posta 
(...) in remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. The design of the stamp remembers the victims and symbolically conveys the message of renewal and rebirth. The stamp was designed by the graphic artist Eszter Domé. (More)


  1. What a poignant message the Hungarian stamps portrays in such a beautiful way.

  2. Glad you showed us the Hungary stamp.
    My world album is so old it has Lithuania under Russia! So every stamp I see is fine for me.

    1. You need to update your album... just 24 years! ;-)

  3. Great stamps. I like the bonus green leaves in the selvage on the Lithuanian stamp.

  4. Having seen some beautiful scenery on Lithuanian stamps, I really want to go there!
    The Hungarian stamp is quite moving.

    1. Oh, I wouldn't mind to go there. The closer I've been is in Estonia.

  5. The Lithuanian stamp is lovely of course, but the one from Hungary has so much meaning I don't consider it off topic at all.


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