
24 May 2015

Orange Kings and Others

Letter sent to Heleen (the Netherlands) for the King's Day. Happily, it arrived on time. I added an orange stamp of the new Spanish King.

Philip V ascended the throne on June 19, 2014. The Spanish postal service issued a miniature set with two stamps on October 12, 2014. But it was not until January 19, 2015 that they issued the basic six stamps. The stamp on the envelope belongs to these. You can see below the first (and only) I have received so far. I am amazed because they still sell me stamps of the former king,

The series of 0,01 €, 0,04 €, 0,10 €, 1 € and 2€. There is also an useful stamp of 5 €.

This is post for Sunday Stamps - II. The theme for today is Royalty, from any country (but a bonus if it's Victoria). I wonder if there is also a bonus for the King Smurf or the Queen of Hearts (on the sticker-stamps)...


While I was writing this post, I received another orange king... from the Netherlands. The stamp belongs to this set. It was issued on August 2, 2014 to commemorate King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima's copper wedding anniversary: 12 1/2 years of marriage. The picture shows the king and the queen rooting for Dutch athletes. I find it quite original.


  1. Nice selection. I ,like the new Spanish definitives - they look modern yet retain a certain classic simplicity.

    Thanks for the link to the Dutch set. PostNL always does such interesting things in the selvage.

    1. Dutch stamps are very entertaining. You can spend a lot of time discovering hidden details.

  2. The Dutch do such nice informal photographs on their stamps of the royal family. Yes I think King Smurf definitely merits bonus points.

  3. this is the first tome I've seen King Willem- Alexander.

    1. Really? I have received some of the basic series, but I prefer these informal pictures.

  4. The Dutch do have a few informal stamps of the royal family (I'm thinking especially of the three princesses).
    I like the look of the Spanish stamp.

    1. Me too, I like the stamps with the little princesses. I have written about them some time ago:

  5. Your King Smurf is indeed a fine specimen. I love these Mail Art you all post and wish I had the time and patience to join in.

    My bonus was to offer a chance to share a personal favourite theme for a Sunday in July. If you'd like, let me know what you would choose.

    1. Thanks, Violet. I am not sure if I could participate in July. So I will try to obtain the next "bonus".
      I'm glad that you like the mail art. Oh, you don't need a lot of time to decorate the covers... why don't you try? It's full of fun!

  6. Precisament vaig rebre el segell nou aquesta setmana, que en parlàvem l'altre dia! :D

    1. T'has adonat de les noves "ñ". Ací en parlàvem ahir (als comentaris):

      Què trobes?

    2. Ahhh, no m'hi havia fixat!! Em penso que, malauradament, la teua interpretació és correcta.

    3. Mira:


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