
11 October 2015

Japan Week - 3

And to finish up that Japan Week, I have received these stamps from FinnBadger (the USA), issued jointly by the US Postal Service and Japan Post on April 10, 2015. The stamps feature images of flowering dogwood and honour the connection between both countries on the centennial of the gift of dogwood trees from the USA to Japan in 1915. More information about this issue.

In 2012, the USPS celebrated the centennial of Japan's original gift of cherry blossom trees from Tokyo to Washington DC with the Cherry Blossom Centennial Forever stamps. I also received them:

This is also a post for Sunday Stamps II. The theme today is Flowers.


  1. Glad I could contribute to your Japan week, as well as your Sunday Stamps entry.

    1. I think that it is the first time I have uploaded the TFP stamps, but I couldn't resist! :D

  2. The Cherry Blossom Centennial stamps is superb.

  3. Pink cherry blossoms, I like ;)
    The centenary stamps is very impressive.

  4. I enjoyed your Japan week and cherry blossom is certainly the perfect way to end it.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.