
07 February 2016

Harry Potter on Stamps

The theme for today in Sunday Stamps - II is Illustration. I have chosen to show you some stamps I have received about the same subject: Harry Potter. I am sure it is not necessary to explain the characters on the stamps, is it?

From the Netherlands

From a mini sheet of December Personalized stamps issued on November 24, 2005. I received it ten years later!

From the UK

Only the top right stamp belongs to the miniature 5-stamps sheet that focuses on the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, issued on July 17, 2007. 

The two stamps below make part of the set of Magical Realms issued on March 3, 2011.

From the USA

These were received on the back of a big postcard sent by Phillip. As you can see, completely uncancelled, and with an enormous cancellation on the wrong side.

They belong to a set of twenty (twenty??) issued on November 13, 2013. 

I received another one from this set last week:


  1. Harry Potter stamps are my favorite ones! ♥ Unfortunately I've only received those from the U.S. :c

    1. The US stamps showing scenes form the film are wonderful.

  2. Wow, that's wonderful collection! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Great selection, and also interesting to me is the GIANT cancellation mark on the card I sent - I have never seen anything like that before.

    1. Yes, and on the "wrong" side, not over the stamps. Curious, isn't it?

  4. Wow I didn't know that there were so many different Harry Potter stamps. I've received a couple of the ones from America, but these other ones are AMAZING! Maybe I get lucky someday and get a couple of the other ones. You're so lucky :)

    1. I think there are Harry Potter stamps even in more countries.It seems to be very inspiring...

  5. I haven't seen any Harry Potter stamps and would not have recognised the one at the top right of the first group from the UK.

    1. I confess that I didn't recognised at first sight either. but I try to look carefully at all the stamps I get.

  6. I wonder how many countries have issued Harry Potter stamps, you certainly have gathered quite a few.

  7. Harry Potter stamps are always among those stamps with characters that I find so fascinating! (Id add the Lord of the Rings or Star Wars - those stamps they issue are just jaw-dropping!)

    btw, I almost asked what's that stamp about next to Dumbledore, on the right...but then I realized it is probably not a stamp but just a print on the envelope :) either way, it's just adorable :)

    1. Yes, this is a "fake" stamp printed on the envelope. My friend just put the stamp next in order not to cover it.

  8. Eva - send me your address and I might have something very special for you! :D :D (put in the e-mail you like Harry Potter so I know what to send)

  9. Però quina col·lecció!! Si fins i tot tens el Dobby!!

    1. :D
      Em va al·lucinar que tragueren tants segells, als EUA. Suposo que es deuen vendre molt bé, aquests.

  10. I may be one of the few who have never read the books nor seen the movies... but I have absorbed enough from popular culture to know the characters (if not their intimate details!)

    1. I don't like the movies (However, I think I've seen too). When the books were translated in Spain, it happened that I was studying literature for children. I started them because our teacher advice, but then I confess I have enjoyed the whole series.

  11. There is a set in Japan from the films, but I'm afraid I didn't buy them as they were rather expensive - more than the face value- so I decided not to buy them as I have too many collectables!

    1. I think I've seen these on the net. I don't know why the postal services do that. Well, yes, because of the money. But... what's the point of issuing stamps just for collect them, and not for use them on letters?


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