
29 December 2016

Social Networks & Letters

And another way to cross that supposed boundaries between the real and the virtual world is, for instance, using stamps that feature social networks. Like on this letter sent to Phillip (the USA):

The stamps were issued by Correos on 14 May 2015. You can see the whole sheet here.

I almost used the whole sheet on this letter to Heleen (the Netherlands):

And I went further in demonstrating that the Internet and the RealWorld® can be one and the same. Have you tried to draw someone's social networks? I had a lot of fun drawing Heleen's Instagram!

Heleen uploaded it... to her Instagram account, obviously!


  1. M'encanta! Darrerament, tothom l'intenta convèncer que em faci Instagram...

    1. I quan te l'hages fet, eixirà una altra cosa! En fi, sempre puc dibuixar-te'l :)

  2. I haven't fathomed Twitter and Instagram yet... One day perhaps.

    1. I have a Twitter account (actually, two).

    2. And I am happy with instagram :-)

      But am not 'home' at facebook yet, are you, John?
      (and my kids are into Snapchat, Musically and more things like that - so be prepared :-) )

  3. What a great idea, Eva. I wonder if there is a digital/analog business opportunity here, to send people a hand-drawn postcard of their instagram?

    1. I thought so. I think I will try to draw my friend's first, because it's a lot of fun!

    2. I so much love your analogue version of my insta, thank you Eva!!!!! <3

      And a good idea, Phillip! I am not good in business, but if you are, we could start a business; you the manager/businessman and Eva and me the snail-mail-your-instagram/twitter drawers :-)

    3. Sadly, not much of a business manager here!


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