
10 November 2017

Visit London

The John Madjeski Garden at night
Victoria and Albert Museum
Photo: Edward Hill

Saatchi Gallery

Handmade postcard, from a box of tea

Postcards sent by Laura (the UK).

Because of the first postcard, I added this port to Postcards for the Weekend, today's theme being Reflections


  1. Hi Eva, What a cool idea to make a postcard from a box. These are all nice cards, and that first one is a perfect one for the reflection theme! I hope I can find a card to share this weekend for the link up. Thanks for sharing your cards and wish you a fine weekend ahead!

    1. Hi, John, thanks for your comment. Some packaging is too beautiful to just throw it away, don't you think so? They can made beautiful postcards!

  2. This makes me want more and more to go back to London! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jolies cartes et bonne idée de John de recycler un emballage de thé pour en faire une jolie carte postale !

    1. Beaucoup de jolis emballages que l'on peut recycler, autour de nous!


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