
29 August 2018

Multiples on Postcards

Many-of-the-same-thing or multiples is a favourite topic for some postcard collectors, and also a favourite of mine.

These postcards have been send by my friend Laura (the UK). A postcard of postcards... isn't it a great idea? By the way, this is not the reproduction of a picture, but an stunning oil painting.

Holland, 2000
By Tjalf Sparnnay

Two surprises from Maria: a postcard of traditional music instruments sent from South Korea, and another one from Singapur


A postcard from John (the UK):


  1. That oil painting is amazing - it looks like a photo.

    1. I had the postcard displayed on a wall during long time, before I realised it is not a photograph!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.