
14 February 2020


Imagination is the discovering faculty, pre-eminently.
It is that which penetrates into the unseen worlds
around us, the worlds of science.
Ada Lovelace, 1815-1852
(By Rachel Ignotofsky)

Maybe the quotation is not very valentine-related, but no doubt the name of this admirable mathematician and writer is, and the matching envelope & stamps sent by Phillip (the USA). The envelope is made out of a repurposed shopping bag.

I think I never uploaded the envelope Phillip sent last year, made out of a page of a magazine...

I really envy the amount of hearts on postage stamps you can choose from in the USA!



  1. I didn't realize how nice the Lovelace card would look photographed against the envelope. This year's love stamp is titled 'Made of Hearts'.

    1. I think the postcard and the envelope are the perfect match.


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