
12 June 2020

Be More Tom

Have you heard about the uplifting story of Captain Tom
Captain Sir Thomas Moore, aka Captain Tom, is a former British Army officer.
On 6 April 2020, at the age of 99, he began to walk laps of his garden in aid of NHS Charities Together, with the goal of raising £1,000 by his hundredth birthday. 
On the morning of his hundredth birthday the total raised by his walk passed £30 million, and by the time the campaign closed at the end of that day had increased to over £32.79 million. 
On his 100th birthday, he received over 150,000 cards, and was appointed as honorary colonel of the Army Foundation College. His knighthood was announced on 19 May, and conferred the next day. It was also marked with a special postmark.
(Source: Wikipedia)
This is a charity postcard: 100% of the proceeds from this postcard will go towards the NHS Charities Together cause supported by Captain Tom. I am glad a friend send it to me.  


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