
19 June 2021

Enjoy the Summer!

(... If you are in the northern hemisphere.)

Postcard sent by Laura (the UK). 

VihreƤ asetelma, c. 1930, by Helene Schjerfbeck

Postcards sent by Hilkka and Piia (Finland), through the Postcrossing site.

Postcard sent by John (the UK).

Letter sent to Fabienne (France).


  1. I wanted to comment to this post first but my phone suddenly pushed out my loggin-in, so now on the laptop I commented on today's post first :-)
    Also these are delicious summerly :-)

    And I love your drawing, great child, dunes and sea, and of course, as you might have expected, the tiny crab I think gorgeous!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.