
10 June 2024

Never Give Up

From time to time, someone uses the Contact form on this blog to leave a message (Feel free to do so!). On 6 June, Christl wrote:
«On the 11th of May I put 35 Postcards for Austria in the letterbox just opposite the cathedral. Until today none of my cards has arrived.»
I don't know how to reply to that. Thirty-five postcards mean a lot of effort (not to mention the money spent on the stamps). And twenty-five days might seem a lot for postcard travelling within the country. However, from my experience, it is not enough to be desperate. The postcards can still reach its recipients. Actually, they can always arrive, even after a year (for instance).

Maybe, while I am writing this, some of them have landed in the due mail boxes. If that happens... I'd like to know!


  1. I had a similar problem. While on holiday, relaxing at a cottage once, I had all my allotted 80 postcards written and sent from two locations at the same time. I'd say less than 1/3 actually arrived. It was beyond frustrating!

    1. 80 is a great number (I guess it was a great holiday, too). That's weird. From my point of view, it is very strange, nowadays, that mail get lost. Maybe delayed, but it eventually arrives... almost always.

  2. Russian Post gave magic in December 2023 - I received a postcard that was sent from St. Petersburg in 2021! The main thing I got from this experience was the belief that the cards I sent this year, but got lost somewhere along the way, will someday end up in the mailboxes of the recipients.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.