
13 June 2024

Thursday Postcard Hunt | Enjoying the Summer

Today's theme of Thursday Postcard Hunt is Time: Seasonal. I have recently got several postcards about different ways of enjoying the nice weather, like...

Going out with friends

Casa de trencadís, Benimaclet, València. Illustration by Abraham Mondría. I used to live close to this street!

Reading in the garden

The Novel, by Frank Dicey (1880-1888). Although this woman is overdressed for our hot summer...

Taking time for your hobbies

Postcard from a Postcrossing meeting held in Banyoles on 20 April 2024. Illustration by Roser MatasRoser Matas.

Going to festivals

Sweeps is a symbol of the beginning of the British summer, which was welcomed by chimney sweeps and Morris dancers. The event was designed to recreate the joy enjoyed by chimney sweeps on their traditional holiday and was even mentioned in a Charles Dickens article in 1836.

Summer nights outside

To end a perfect summer day, nothing better than a well conducted frogs concert on a summer night!

Postcards sent by Bruno and Imma (PC), Laura (the UK) and Bryon (Canada).


Thursday Postcard Hunt
June theme: TIME
  • Week 1 - Sunrise/Sunset
  • Week 2 - Seasonal
  • Week 3 - Ancient (geology, buildings, artefacts)
  • Week 4 - Clocks or daily rituals (eating, working, arrivals/departures...)
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!


  1. Such a pleasant way to enjoy the summer day!
    And how coincidental that you lived close to the place pictured in the first postcard, it looks great to spend some time there!

    1. I used to live in València during my college years, always around this neighbourhood. I think the ambience is very different nowadays, as there are less students and more gentrification :| But it is still a lovely place, and I like this postcard very much!

  2. These illustrated postcards are delightful! Sweeps sound like a fun summer tradition, though I have to confess, the dust wouldn't be kind to my allergies. Still, it brings back memories of all the exciting activities summer brings. What are some of your favourite summer pastimes?

    1. Reading in the shadow during the hot hours!

  3. Nice spring/summer activities! The Sweeps Festival is one new to me. I wonder what chimneysweeps did/do in the summer?

    1. Maybe they cleaned and prepared the chimneys for the colder months...

  4. Love the one from Valencia! And the Postcrossing art. I hadn't heard of sweeps festival before, but I have heard a frogs chorus (and some of them need a conductor!)

    1. I guess this chorus sounds very well, with such a serious counductor.

  5. The frogs have a beautifully clear night for their chorus although I'm hoping the cats aren't going to join in. Lovely card.

  6. aaahhh ....frog concerts are the best!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.