
06 March 2015

Dickens's Houses

I have posted here about Charles Dickens's personal mail box at Gad's Hill Place. This room and the author's desk also appeared in the video. So it was a nice surprise when I received this postcard some days later, sent by Laura (the UK).

On the back:
Luke Fildes, the illustrator to Dickens's last unfinished novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood, produced a drawing of Dickens's study at Gad's Hill Place shortly after the Author's death. It appeared as an engraving in the 1870 Christmas number of The Graphic, together with a lament that readers could no longer expect Christmas messages from Dickens.

It arrived along with another postcard featuring Charles Dickens Museum (48 Doughty St., London). It was the author's home from 1837 until the late 1839. It opened as a Museum by the Dickens Fellowship in 1925.

Even if it wasn't Dickens's house, it is a perfect postcard!

Update: I have just received this bookmark!


  1. Quins records! Estava molt a prop d'on jo treballava a Londres, el museu:

    1. M'he de llegir l'entrada amb calma. Tot just hem arribat de viatge, i estava molt desconnectada d'Internet.
      M'agradaria molt visitar aquest museu.

    2. Ja feia dies que sospitava que éreu de viatge :D és fàcil d'endevinar :D

    3. I mira que volem ser misteriosos...! ;-)

    4. M'ha agradat llegir la teua versió de la visita :)
      Has vist que acabo de rebre una senyal de lectura? Ara n'utilitzo menys, però m'ha agradat aquesta.
      M'estic plantejant (re)llegir Dickens...

  2. I love Laura's card. The second card shows a street just like the one of Georgian houses in Liverpool where Jo works - Rodney Street.,_Liverpool

    1. I think I was there in 2012. Nice street!

  3. Both cards are great!


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