
05 March 2015

Postcards from Algeria

In the past, I used to have a pen pal from Algeria. We never were very regular penpals, neither the best friends. However, we exchanged interesting letters, postcards and pictures during some years.

Wahiba's letters became more and more sparse until she disappeared. That happens with penpals now and again, doesn't it?

I have just realised that I have never published mail from Algeria on this blog. Well, here you have some postcards. She usually did not use stamps.


  1. No pagava segell i arribava igual? :s

    1. Sí que pagava, però com que ho enviava directament des de l'oficina, no posaven segell, sinó simplement una etiqueta de "franqueig pagat en oficina". És el mateix que fan a ca nostra! M'hagués agradat rebre més segells d'Algèria!


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