
01 April 2015

More Italy, More Cities

But also Micu (Hungary) have recently visited Italy. She sent me this beautiful postcard with a painting of Spanish Steps. It appeared in my mail box just when I have just written: "I would not mind to receive another postcard from this place". What a coincidence!

I added the postcard to the Capital Cities album. Then I got another capital city: Madrid, sent by Laura (Spain), because I'm lucky.

I am not 100% sure, but I think this is the very first postcard I have received from Madrid! And I am supposed to be Spanish... The sender could not have chosen better! Because this building is the Cybele Palace: the former Palace of Communication and nowadays the City Hall. But still you can find a big post office on the ground floor.


  1. Ja no pots dir que no hagis visitat Itàlia!

    1. El correu és la manera més barata de viatjar... :D

  2. Again, I'm glad you liked the card! :) It's the most amazing building here, no doubt about that. I'll miss the chance to see it daily...

    1. It's a building with a long history, and of course, a must for all the snail mail lovers. I was surprised by the sky on the picture, it's really beautiful. Are you back home yet?

    2. Nope, will return on Thursday. :)


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.