
08 May 2017

#AtoZChallenge | Collateral Effects

Trying to keep this short (really!)... Some collaterals effects of the #AtoZChallenge, and learnings, in alphabetical order:

E is for English

As a non-native English speaker, I discovered some words thanks to the challenge. Not only in A few drops of Ink, that dedicated the #AtoZChallenge to words, but in a lot of blogs. Even in my own! Eatery (suggested by Phillip), Obverse, Quail (by Bryon), and XangĂ´ (by Heleen) are words I did not know before.

F is for Fun

This was my biggest expectation when I decided to take the challenge. And I achieved more fun that expected.

I is for Inspiration

(This U-post was not inspired by postcards, but you will find an original and funny display of mailboxes !)
  • The postcards gave John an idea that he explained in another commentI feel like starting a postcard collection from all the places I visit now. Wish my mind had thought of that earlier, but thanks for planting the seed in there now. (I asked him for royalties - inspiration is not free!... No answer so far). 
  • Claire wrote on her reflections postEva at Mail Adventures has inspired me to start sending out postcards again. And there were some comments like this: I'm looking at these stamps and wondering why I stopped sending mail. Or this: I've actually been feeling inspired from your blog to start sending (and hopefully receiving) postcards more. I like to think that maybe someone else has sent a postcard after reading one of the posts... Let me know!

Postcard sent by Phillip (the USA)
Manipulated digital print

P is for Postcards 

  • Before. I wrote in the theme reveal post that I had not any idea for some letters (E, Q, X, Y, Z)... And some friends sent postcards for those. I added most of them to the posts, resulting in some strange combinations like Quail & Quidditch, for instance, or Yeast &Yarn.
  • During. Some postcards arrived in April made me modify the posts, without the senders being aware. Also I received two free postcards from a Canadian penfriend after she read the E-post.
  • After. Some readers ask me for my address in order to send a postcard. Do you think they will arrive? If I get 26, I can start another challenge... (Update: One of the Some promised postcards have arrived! Hooray!)

Back of a postcard sent by John (the UK)
Do you know Postman Pat?

R is for Readers

The number of visits to this blog, and comments, have increased during April. I am going to miss that! But, this month, I have enjoyed discovering new blogs, and I guess I will continue reading some of them. So, I hope that some people who arrived to Mail Adventures thanks to the #AtoZChallenge will continue to enjoy my posts about, not only received postcards, but all postal things.

S is for Surprise

I wrote here that I learn a lot through postcards and post in general. Also through blogging, I must say. And the biggest surprise has been to discover that so many people thinks that nobody is writing postcards (or letters) any more. Lost art, they say. Well... now you know you were wrong!

T is for Thanks

To everyone who has been here, and especially those who have taken the time to left comments. Also to people who wrote so many interesting posts that I am still enjoying.

Z is for ZIP code

Don't forget it when you send your next postcard. For instance... why not today?


  1. I discovered your blog very late in the challenge, but I am going to keep following you. that's the beauty of the challenge: it's only a month, but we don't need to leave it at that ;-)

    1. True! I think the challenge is mostly about discovering. Thanks for all your visits and comments.

  2. what a wonderful reflection :) I loved to read through it!

    I have thoroughly enjoyed following your blog throughout the challenge. Would love to exchange postcards too!

    1. Thanks! :)
      If you want we to exchange a postcard, please, drop me a message on the comment form.

  3. Very nice reflection on A-Z. The challenge also increased traffic to my blog.

    1. More reflections on a letter I sent to you on 29 April... :)

    2. Hopefully it will arrive this week, then.

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed the various postcards you shared this month. Your blog is one I made sure to visit everyday. Thank you for including one of my posts in your summary. You did inspire me this past month. I took a week away from blogs and blogging and notice I have some more images to be inspired by on your blog. I will be back and I will send more mail (I hope) this coming year. Thank you.

    1. I'm happy to read this, and I'm flattered. I didn't started the challenge (nor the blog) in order to inspire people to send mail, but I'm glad that some people find it inspiring!

      I've also enjoyed your posts, as you know for my comments. So I guess I'll be back there too...


  5. I too was glad to find your blog this time on the A-Z Challenge so maybe that happened because there was no Linky List this year? I have always loved stamps, I like finding inspiration, I enjoy learning so your posts appealed to me in many ways :) I hope to be continuing to read more of you all year round - best wishes - Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Thank you very much for your comments. I'm glad that the pictures of postcards inspired you. I focused on received postcards, so the merit must be my friends', who sent them all :)

      I'll be happy to see you here from time to time.

  6. I've never thought postcards or mail as lost art, rather just something people forgot to do. have you read the novel "Postcards from a dead girl" by Kirk Farber? it's about a guy receiving postcards from his dead girlfriend. it's not morbid but a very fun read. I highly recommend it.

    I've only visited you a few times but I enjoyed my visits. I think I sort of missed out on so many great blogs but it couldn't be helped.

    congrats on finishing. & have a lovely day.

    1. I feel the same, that I missed out some great posts...But we need to live, even during the challenge! Thanks for your visits and comments :)

    2. And thanks also for the recommendation of the book. Any book post-related interests me, so I must look for it!

  7. Oh Eva, thank you for a delightful month -- and especially for the inspiration. Even with nothing more than continued visits to your blog for compensation! Doesn't that mean more than royalties! Well, in this case it would, knowing the amount of royalties you'd be in line for by inspiring me. (Read: Zip, nada, zilch, zero...)

    Great job on the A to Z, and thanks for sharing it with us. Was a fun trip every day.

    1. Of course, I your visits compensate me enough (I mean, if there isn't any other option...).

      Thanks for taking the time of visiting and commenting. That was part of the fun, sure.

  8. I really enjoyed following along and seeing what you'd come up with for each letter. I'll be popping back in!
    Job Well Done! :-)

  9. Clicking on your link everyday was like waiting for the postman to deliver that letter you've been waiting for and you get it on time and then you smile. Your posts brought back memories of a time when I used to write and post and receive letters. Thank you Eva.
    Reflection Post

    1. It's a pleasure to read a comment like this :)
      Thanks to you for your visits.

  10. Hey Eva, I loved being here and learning all these things about postcards....I had never thought about postcards in this vein before, but I enjoyed it more and more each day! It's been a pleasure knowing you through your blog! Hope to keep seeing you!

    Shubhangi @ The Little Princess

  11. It was so fun to see your postcards. Most of them were unlike any postcards I normally see!

    Sometimes I remember to send postcards when I travel, and sometimes I buy postcards for myself since the photos are far better than any I capture.

    Trudy @ Reel Focus
    Creativity Inside the Box

    1. I tried to post a variety of them,and it was fun also for me. Thank you very much for your visits and comments.

  12. A very different Reflections post, if I may say so :) It's certainly inspiring when what you blog about becomes fodder for other people to think and reflect too. Plus you gained friends in the process. That's a win, for me :)

    1. In whole, the challenge was 100% positive for me, I think. I hope you enjoyed it as well.

  13. Well done for completing the challenge. I love your alphabetical approach to reflecting on the month.

    Cait @ Click's Clan

  14. I enjoyed reading your Reflections post--thank you for sharing this. You got the most important point of A to Z--"Fun". If bloggers don't have fun doing the Challenge then I hope they find some benefit that is equally important.

    Thanks for joining us for the 2017 Challenge!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.