Letter sent by Alan (the UK).
I am happy that Royal Mail did not succeed in ruine the stamps 100%, even if they tried, with those awful blue felt-tip pen scratches!
75 To Margarita in Paris, November 1903: "Manolo passed his exams very well and today it is Aberto's turn. A tender kiss, your Mamilla" |
At the time of this love affair, 1900-1906, a craze for postcards was sweeping through Europe. It became the fashion to send and receive cards from friends -in most places there were three postal services a day. The law at the time prevented the sender from writing a message on the address side, so phrases were inserted around the picture side of the card. Cards were often kept in elaborate personalised albums and this was where Margarita kept hers. Over the six-year period the cards came in from family, friends and Charles, who wrote from America, England and Europe - wherever he was on his travels.
92 Bathers at Dieppe. 'Anticipating the pleasure of the coming month. Yours ever, C.' June 1905 |
54 Napoleon, a card from Raul von Schroeder, July 1903. |
In September 2013 the blobfish was voted the "World's Ugliest Animal", based on photographs of decompressed specimens, and adopted as the mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, in an initiative "dedicated to raising the profile of some of Mother Nature’s more aesthetically challenged children".
'On the contrary, the computer doesn't cause me any problem at all' Postcard sent by Heleen (the Netherlands) |
Postcard sent by Laura (the UK) |
Lettera 32 portable Marcello Nizzoll Olivetti, 1963 Postcard sent by Bryon (the USA) |
Postcard sent by Heleen (the Netherlands) |
Painting by the Canadian artist Janet Hill |
Rijsmuseum Library |