07 October 2019

A Postsecret

As exposure therapy for my driving ptsd, I've started taking day trips by myself, going father and longer each time. I go to post offices and mail myself a postcard with an encouraging quote on it. Each postcard with a postmark from outside my metro area is like a trophy reminding me that I am capable of overcoming this.

From the Postsecret project (taken from their Instagram),


  1. That is great, and brave, and such a good and dear idea as an exposure therapy!
    Thank you for sharing, my neighbours' (grownup) daughter has had fear of driving (she does drive, now, at least to/from her parents, because she moved 150 kms from here and public transport lines between her and her parents aren't that well). I will tell her this suggestion, I guess she'll like to hear how others overcame their fear/ptsd.

    1. Although I have no fear of driving, I dislike it. Maybe I should try it too... :)

  2. And thank you for sharing the link to Postsecret's instagram, did you know that I didn't discover it yet until now?

    1. But... didn't you know the Postsecret blog? I can't believe that. I've been reading it for ages!

    2. Believe it or not: I didn't know the blog either!

      I have bought the Post secret book some years ago, and I've seen the accompanying website then, but to know that there is a continuous blog is new for me :-)

  3. This is so heartwarming to read.

  4. This is a wonderful post secret. And who would have thought that sending postcards would be therapeutic in this way?


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