08 February 2013

Save a Post Office

Do you know Jane Davies? She is the runner of the post office in the picture. It is one of the smallest post office in the state of Vermont (the United States), and is threatened by closing. So she decided to do something. Let's her explain it:
The two things that make a difference to The Postal Powers That Be are (A) revenue, the amount of money the PO brings in via stamp sales and package shipping, and (B) - and this is where you come in - the VOLUME of mail that it handles.
So, in an attempt to (A) increase the volume of mail that comes through my little post office, and (B) to do something really FUN, I'm proposing the following:
YOU send me an art postcard. It can be original handmade, or a photocopy of something you've made. Print your name and address clearly on the card.
Jane promise to send back a handmade postcard to the first 200 respondents. Like these:

It seems that the project is running really well. She opened a Facebook album for showing the cards received so far. And now there is also a givaway!
Fiber Art Now, a quarterly magazine for contemporary fiber arts, has offered a year's subscription to one lucky winner in our Postcard Project.  Here is how it works:  on Friday, February 11th, I will draw a postcard at random from all that I have received to date. The person who sent the card will receive this free subscription!  
If you want to contribute to save this tiny post office, please make a postcard and send it to:

Jane Davies
PO Box 45
Rupert, VT  05768


  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this! Send cards! I am sending cards back to the first 200 (which is long past), but also to ALL the international ones. I will certainly go beyond the 200 domestic cards too, because it's so much fun. The cards are all up in a Facebook Album, to which there is a link on my blog.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.