28 September 2014

Stampfree Letter

I received the same day a postcard and an envelope from John (the UK).

The postcard arrived with beautiful stamps (as usual) but completely unmarked:

The machine had put the postmark on the picture:

And the letter... without stamps! It is clear that three stamps disappeared in way.


  1. How annoying that the cancellation is on the picture side, but as it's so messy, it's perhaps lucky it missed the stamps.
    Do you think the other ones were taken?

    1. I think they are in the bottom of the post box. It is very difficult to stick stamps in this kind of paper (magazine paper).
      But anyway, I don't dislike this kind of "mail adventures". It makes every piece still more interesting...

  2. Replies
    1. Don't worry, I LOVE your mail. I answered you by snail mail.


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