24 October 2014

Mail from Arabic Countries

I usually complains because it is difficult to get mail from the Arab world... Well, this time I have no reason for complaining, as I have recently received three postcards from different Arab countries!

Postcard sent by Mohammed (the United Arab Emirates). It is a view of Al Ain (العين), the fourth largest city in the country.

Sent by Eutrapèlia from Jordan. It shows the Obelisk Tomb and the Palace Tomb in Petra (البتراء). This postcard was long expected. It took just... two months to reach my mail box! It is the first time I have got mail from Jordan, hooray!

The same for the third one send by Aarón: it is also the first time I have got mail from Palestine, and it took some months to arrive. The subject of the picture is not happy, I am afraid: it shows the Wall


  1. A tu et va trigar dos mesos però a J. Li va arribar encara més tard! El primer, amb aquesta forma de ciutadella, sembla voler-se escapar de la postal! M'alegro que t'agradés, Petra em va encantar!

    1. Quan vaig anar a Síria les postals em va semblar que trigaven... I van ser només un parell de setmanes!
      Però en part... no és una mica la màgia del correu, fer-nos canviar de velocitat?

      M'agradaria molt anar a Petra. Un dia o altre serà...

    2. Quan vaig anar a Egipte fa sis anys no en va arribar cap, però potser encara fan camí!

  2. You lucky girl! I've only ever had one from an Arab country other than Morocco. That was a postcrossing one from UAR a long time ago.

    1. It's very difficult to get postcards from Arabic countries, indeed.

  3. How lucky, nice cards. :)

    To be honest, I've not seen many pictures of the wall. They do not show this often in our media.

    I am dreaming of visiting Petra one day. It s an amazing cultural and historical place.

    1. Me too, I dream of visiting Jordan one day. I've been in Syria, some years ago, but never in other countries of the Middle East.

  4. And yes, It is difficult to get arabian mail. I started to swap some cards because it is hard to find people for an exchange.
    But it is always something special when the card is adressed and made only for you. On the other hand, it is also interesting to discover mail to another person and to know that this card traveled more than one time before.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.