18 March 2017

Let's Fly to Italy

I received this postcard some weeks ago from Laura (the UK). We were having a conversation about future trips and wanderlust. Only later I learnt that the picture was taken in Naples, Italy, a country I have been thinking of visiting. So it is perfect for the theme of Maria's link party this week: From a country you wish to visit

Another postcard from Italy, sent by Gian Luca & Raffaella. It belongs to the Postallove's series Greetings from...


  1. Italy is a country I have sometimes wished to visit too. Nowadays I don't really have enough general wanderlust, though :)

    1. But you visit a lot of places though postcards, don't you? :)

  2. Ja saps que tinc debilitat per Itàlia. Després de l'Erasmus i durant uns anys, hi anava una vegada a l'any, normalment al gener, després d'exàmens, uns diesm

    1. Jo no hi he anat mai, però darrerament m'ha agafat la dèria que he de visitar Roma... A veure si pot ser aquest any!

  3. Hi Eva, I sure like these cards. Nice scene on the top one and lots of neat information on the Greetings from Italy card. Thanks for sharing.

    1. The first postcard make me dream. Thanks for your comment, John!

  4. I once dreamt of living in Italy and wanted to feature it for next weekend. I don't have as nice postcards like you have here to actually enable me to write about it ... Love the spaghetti being the central feature of the postallove postcard.

    1. This collection of postcard is rather naive, but the design is funny, isn't it?

  5. So many beautiful places in Italy you would be spoilt for choice.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.