26 September 2018

Did You Say Slow Mail?

On 23 August 2017, I put 15 postcards in this Greek mailbox, addressed to different countries. For some premonitory reason, I asked to my partner to take a picture.

Any of the postcards arrived. I thought it was my fault, because, as you can see, the picking hours were not written on the mailbox. But let me say that it happens often in small villages in Greece (also in Spain), and the mail usually arrive.

I wrote to Elta Post some months later, and they replied that they could not assure anything about non-registered mail. I even sent a postcard to the postal workers of the village. Nothing happened.

Then, two days ago, one of my friends received the postcard. She was confused at first, and asked me if I had recently travelled to Greece. Then, she looked at the date: the postcard has taken exactly 13 months and one day to reach its destination. I wonder if the rest of the postcards will arrive/have arrived too.

So, please:
  1. If you get a Greek postcard from me, dated in 2017, let me know.
  2. Never give up, concerning to sent mail!


  1. Au printemps 2018 ma fille et son mari sont partis en Grèce ,j'ai bien reçu leur carte postale,par contre j'attends encore celle de Sardaigne qu'ils ont posté en Aout ! Quelques fois les boites aux lettres ne sont pas ramassées tous les jours !

    1. Je n'ai jamais eu d'autres problèmes avec des cartes postales envoyés depuis Grèce. Et crois-moi: j'en ai envoyé quelques-unes!

      Ton commentaire m'a fait sourire: certainement, quelque fois les boîtes aux lettres ne sont pas ramassés tous les jours... même pas tous les mois, même pas toutes les années! :D

  2. Wow, that is quite the mail adventure!

    1. I think so. It seems incredible to me. Now I wonder what really happened...

      It was also a postcard for you inside that mailbox! :|

    2. Nothing from Greece so far... just one from Spain today :)

  3. A beautiful photo! And an exciting (and scary, in case the postcards are claustrophobic) mail adventure!

    1. Do you think they have been inside the mailbox all this time? We won't know, alas.

      And, same as I have told to Phillip: a postcard for you was among these!

  4. Oh my! If I ever travel to Greece I will make sure I send mail from a post office!

    1. As I wrote above, to fafa, I've mailed a lost of postcards from remote villages in Greece, and I had never had any problem before... I wonder what happened this time!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.