24 March 2020

We Are All Edward Hopper Paintings Now

Hotel Room, 1931
Edward Hopper

Postcard sent by Phillip (USA). It was send some days BC (='before coronavirus') and arrived yesterday.


  1. I was thinking this weekend about what style of art might become prevalent as a result of the COVID-19 situation. Hopper-style work? More art made from found material/what's on hand because buying art supplies might be limited for a while?

    1. Hopper is always a good choice :)I think it will be difficult to send mail and i hope covid will lose ! In France the situation is very difficult,too many people are so stupid !

    2. I'm watching some interesting videos about people doing all kind of unexpected (and fun) things at home. That's the creative side of all this sadness.

      I'm doing work for the school, mostly with just pencil + paper... :)

    3. It is great that you can continue with school, even if it is in a more limited way.

    4. La créativité et l'imagination sont le bon côté du confinement si je puis m'exprimer ainsi !

  2. Such a matching title!
    And indeed Hopper's painting 'breathe' the atmosphere of silence.
    The only difference is that here in NL we are dressed warm, beecause despite of the newborn spring season, the temperature is very chill.

    And FinnBadger's idea is also a good one. In my case my art will still be made by official art supplies, because that is the only material I've been hamstering (since years, and envelopes, and rubberstamps :-) )

    1. I haven't been "hamstering" (nice word!), but supplies last a lot of time. Eventually I'll run out of some colours of pencils, and you will notice strange combinations of colours... :P

    2. I agree - great word, Heleen!

  3. Jose Manuel Ballester is a painter whose work I seeing a lot these days on Twitter, etc. Have a look at his "empty" paintings!

    1. Great link, thank you.

    2. Thank you for sharing, great to see indeed!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.