07 September 2023

Thursday Postcard Hunt | Wild Life

Búho real (Royal Owl)

The topic of the first Thursday Postcard Hunt is Tourist Sites - Nature reserves, parks, gardens. I am posting two recent incoming postcards from the Parque Natural Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas (Jaén, Spain). 

Ciervo (Deer)
Sent by R (Spain).


Thursday Postcard Hunt

September theme: TOURIST SITES
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!


  1. An impressive rack of antlers on that deer. I like seeing photos of animals with open mouths, and imagining them calling out.

  2. I like that animals are representing the parks in these postcards!!!!

    1. I guess most people visit the part because of the fauna. It is a beautiful place, that park.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.