29 May 2024

Spot the Differences

Did you noticed this stamp on one of yesterday's envelopes? It was issued in 2023 to commemorate the 100th birthday of Jorge Semprún, a Spanish writer and politician. He lived in France most of his life and wrote primarily in French, and La Poste dedicated a stamp to him as well (I have recently got it).

At first sight, both seems to have chosen the same picture!


  1. Interesting! Same attire in both photos. A slightly different pose. I wonder if they were taken on the same day?

    1. They look like the same picture to me.

  2. Let's take a vote from your readers!

    1. I see difference in the sharpness and contrast of the photos. But I also tend to see a slight difference in his pose (towards the camera). I think it can bee seen best by looking at his ears: his right ear (on the left, seen from our point of view) seems to be more narrowed (thus turned a little away from the camera) on one picture, compared with the other.

      Thank you for sharing such a good puzzle! :-)

    2. You're very observant!

  3. I think they are the same picture but with a different contrast level. I prefer the second one.

    1. Maybe the white frame suits better the picuture.


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