16 June 2024

Sunday Stamps | Founding Fathers

The Founding Fathers of the United States were a group of late-18th-century American revolutionary leaders that include those who signed the United States Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution and others. Among them: George Washington, William Jackson and John Hanson.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps. The theme today is Fatherly Men


  1. John Hanson's stamp is beautiful: so bright with the yellow background. I never saw it before.

    1. I like this style of illustration, too.

  2. Thank you! We here in the USA know much less about John Hanson.

    1. I guess his name is less popular, isn't it?

  3. Founding Fathers, what a great idea! I like that $5 one. That 5¢ one not so much! When I started weeding through the box of stamps I got at an estate sale I think half of the US ones must have been that stamp! Now I am working on removing the purple Benjamin Franklins.

  4. That $5 stamp is cool. Those two men could not look more different from each other.

  5. The Washington portrait reminded me of the trouble he had with false teeth.

  6. The Founding Fathers - a whole generation of leaders who built a nation. I especially like the uniquely-shaped $5 stamp! On a side note: I find Joy's comment about Washington's false teeth funny! :D


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