07 July 2024

Sunday Stamps | Aurora Borealis

Aurora borealis on stamps issued by Germany (2022) and Canada (2018).

For this week's Sunday Stamps, the theme being Northern Hemisphere.


  1. There should be more stamps like these, because they are so beautiful! I am still bitterly disappointed at not seeing any of the aurora durling that stretch when it seemed like everyone was seeing them.

    1. I've never seen one, either. We don't have auroras here, as far as I know.

  2. Those vibrant greens, purples, and pinks dancing across the night sky are truly magical. It's definitely a dream of mine to witness this natural phenomenon in person someday.

  3. Great choices! What's better than aurora borealis?

  4. I did not see the recent aurora wither, too much light pollution where I live. Great stamps.

  5. Those are pretty. I have never seen an aurora, the last closest one was just a little bit too north of me. Plus, I didn't try, it was at some ridiculous hour of the morning!


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