29 January 2024

Truth or Consequences (New Mexico)

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

One of the side effects of the Alphabet 2023 project (and from mail in general) is discovering places with really curious names. Like EvaGood HopeIndependence, Jupiter, Romance... And one of the strangest: Truth or Consequences!

Bryon sent this postcard from Truth or Consequences (New Mexico). In the Wikipedia you can read about the weird reason of the name:
The city changed its name from Hot Springs to Truth or Consequences as the result of a radio show contest. In March 1950, Ralph Edwards, the host of the popular NBC Radio quiz show Truth or Consequences, announced that he would air the program on its 10th anniversary from the first town that renamed itself after the show; Hot Springs officially changed its name on March 31, 1950, and the program was broadcast from there the following evening. Edwards visited the town during the first weekend of May for the next 50 years. This event became known as Fiesta and eventually included a beauty contest, a parade, and a stage show. The city still celebrates Fiesta each year during the first weekend of May.

Another postcard I got from New Mexico, sent by Sam (the USA):


  1. Are there towns with unusual names in Spain?

    1. There are, but I would struggle to find one as original as Truth or Consequences!


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