04 July 2021

Sunday Stamps | Delicious Vegetables

Delicious vegetables for today's theme in Sunday Stamps: Food

Flower splendor series
The Netherlands, 2009

Paprika Museum, Kalocsa
Hungary, 2012

Traditional Gastronomy - Kolokasi
Cyprus, 2020


  1. Oooh a paprika museum, I like a niche museum.

  2. there's a paprika museum??!
    I had to google kolokasi... I've never tried taro

  3. A paprika museum, that sounds cool!
    When I was a kid my grandma sometimes made goulash, a dish which was new in the Netherlands then, originating from Hungary and containing paprika :-)

    Seeing the Hungarian stamp reminds me of my father's travel to Hungary, ages ago (I was a teen then). He returned home with a large bag full of small paprikas his host had given to him (paprika is also a Dutch word, meaning sweet pepper).
    He had so many paprikas with him that we were wondering what to do with them all. Then we had a solution, we thought 'let's make soup of it'. So we did. Put all the paprikas into the pan. And when the soup was ready, we served it. And then we tasted it for the very first time...
    The red paprikas didn't taste paprika-like. They burned our mouths because... they were hot peppers :-)

  4. We steer clear of paprikas due to a mouth searing experience when we should have known better. Much safer with the stamp.

    1. Luckily for us, stamps are completely safe :)


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