31 October 2022

Witches Goblins Have Their Sway

O let Us cast Dull Care away
Again be Children for a Day
Witches Goblins have their sway
Tis Hallowe'en, lets Joke and Play

Made with a wine cardboard!

Mail sent by Heleen (the Netherlands) and Bryon (the USA).

30 October 2022

Sunday Stamps | Black Widow & Wolf Man

The most scary stamps I found for today's Sunday Stamps!

I guess the stamps got also pretty scarred by the terrible postal machines that destroy them...

28 October 2022

It Is All About the Queen

Mail sent by Alan, John and Laura (the UK).

27 October 2022

And More Greetings from Canada

A Canadian post van on a postcard...

... and some famous Canadian on the stamps:

Marie-Anne Day Walker-Pelletier
Harry Daniels
Jose Kusugak

And a vintage carousel! The stamps is printed on the back of the postcard, and belongs to this wonderful set

Sent by Bryon (Canada).

25 October 2022

23 October 2022

Sunday Stamps | German Lighthouses

Lighthouses are my favourite theme on postcards and stamps, and it happens today they are the topic on Sunday Stamps.

I restrain myself of uploading one hundred stamps to this post. I am just showing the latest I have received from Germany.

Greifswalder Oie (2004)

Moritzburg (2015)

Campen (2019)

Tinsdal (2021)

20 October 2022

18 October 2022

Last Days of Summer - 2

Hand-painted envelope sent to Catherine (France). Design by Naomi Bulger.

16 October 2022

Sunday Stamps | Kaleidoscope

The sheet Kaleidoscope was released by PostNL on 14 September 2020. The designer is Hansje van Halem, winner of the Dutch Design Award for Communication in 2018.

You can read more about these design here:
This issue is part of a series in which PostNL gives winners of prestigious design competitions a free assignment to design stamps. They may allow themselves to be guided by their own interests, by what fascinates and affects them.

I couldn't find brighter stamps for this Sunday theme in Sunday Stamps: Bright Colours.

Look at the full sheet (picture taken from here):

14 October 2022

1000 Postcrossing Postcards

Two days ago, a postcard I sent to the USA reached its destination. It was my postcard number 1000 sent through Postcrossing (excluding the lost ones, of course). One thousand mail adventures.

12 October 2022

Monsters Go

Monsters Go is an Instagram account is a weekly art challenge that proposes to re-draw a monster, taking a kid drawing as a prompt. 

It exists since 2016, but I did not know until I got this letter by Heleen (the Netherlands), inspired by Dylan's monster. Of course, any monster can become a mail monster...

You have below the original drawing, and you can see all the re-drawings by clicking on the hashtag.


My reply to Heleen was sent inside this envelope featuring another mail monster, inspired by the drawing below.
Just let me know if you with your next letter to be accompanied by a mail monster!

10 October 2022

I've Seen Better

Falls were not that fantastic
Yosemite National Park

I was a bit worried when I got this postcard from Yosemite Park... until I read what my friend wrote on the back:

...the falls there were absolutely gorgeous :)

I really love the sense of humour of the USA National Parks. They made these hilarious postcards featuring one star reviews posted on social media...

I've seen better
Yellowstone National Park

Just something to look at and leave / Crater Lake National Park
I've seen bigger mountains / Mount Rainier National Park

No cell service & terrible wifi
Isle Royale National Park

09 October 2022

Sunday Stamps | Write a Letter

Today is World Post Day so, for Sunday Stamps (Your Choice), I decided to display stamps with a favourite theme: letters!

I like the mise en abyme idea of a envelope on a stamp, on an envelope...

Transport de la lettre
France, 1997

Augustin-Alphonse Marty, 1862-1940
France, 2017

Elderly and mobility
Netherlands, 1995

Handwriting recognition, TNT Post 1980
Netherlands, 2010

Spain, 2020

P.S. Write Soon (National Letter Writing Week)
USA, 1980

07 October 2022

Last Days of Summer - 1

Tankerton beach and huts bathed in the warm of a summer sunset
 Postcard sent by Laura (the UK).

06 October 2022

People Reading on Postcards

Fernbuchbediening, by Beck

Uitbuiken is composed of uit and buiken, which respectively translates to 'out' and 'bellies'. There is no English word for it. It is what you do after a heavy meal. You will stretch your legs and lean backwards to provide your stomach with the necessary space.

Postcards sent by Laura (the UK) and Heleen (the Netherlands).

04 October 2022

Sent with Care

Letters sent by Laura (the UK).