21 October 2024

States Project ! The Hawkeye State

Sometimes is fun how the postal machines add the postmarks. Not so fun when they do not respect those old stamps!

(Have you seen that the ice cream capital of the world is in Iowa?!?)

Curious that they name the "American goldfinch" on the postcard, and the "Eastern goldfinch" on the stamp as the state bird. According to Wikipedia, the second is a subspecies.

Sent by Bryon (the USA), as part of the States Project.

19 October 2024

Calendars | The Book Lovers

Front and back of an envelope made out of a calendar (like this one), sent to Laura (the UK).

18 October 2024

States Project | Land of Lincoln

Illinois is the land of Lincoln, the route 66, pumpkins, tall men... Another one from Bryon's States Project!

By the way, again two states with the same state bird: Indiana and Illinois:

17 October 2024

Thursday Postcard Hunt | Vineyards

I think I love vineyards as much as wine...

Walla Walla, Washington (the USA)

Lower Austria (Austria)
Wo die wahren Schätze kostbar sind
'Where the real treasures are precious'

Toscana (Italy)

Postcards sent by Julia (Austria), Bryon (the USA) and Bruno (Italy).

Thursday Postcard Hunt
October theme: FOOD/DRINKS
  • Week 1 - Fruits, vegetables
  • Week 2 - Sweets, desserts
  • Week 3 - Wine, beer, tea, coffee
  • Week 4 - Multiples, multiviews
  • Week 5 - Markets, cafés
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!

15 October 2024

More Mail Made of Packaging

Envelope made from yarn packaging, sent to Heleen (the Netherlands).

Postcard made from food packaging, sent by Bryon (the USA).

I love this one, also sent by Bryon... Less material = less postage needed!

14 October 2024

States Project | The Hoosier State

A new one from Bryon's States Project. It seems that they really like postmarks in Indiana: one on the front, and a big pictorial postmark on the back!

(It is still not clear to me what Hoosier means.)

13 October 2024

Sunday Stamps | La Semeuse

La Semeuse (='the sower'), one of the symbols of the French Republic, is shown on French definitive stamps emitted between 1903 and 1961, and on some later commemorative stamps. See the whole series here

More Agriculture stamps in Sunday Stamps

12 October 2024

Nunca recebi uma carta

«Tu disseste: Nunca recebi uma carta. Eu disse: Eu também não. E tu: Gostava de receber uma carta. Eu perguntei: Para quê? Tu disseste: Para ler. Uma carta assim à moda antiga. Com un selo. Eu disse: Esquece.
Entre mim e ti, uma coisa qualquer, un esquecimento. Tu disseste: Então escrevo eu primeiro? Eu disse: Está bem. Tu perguntaste: Qual é a tua morada? Eu disse: Não sei.
Como assim, não sabes?
Não sei, a sério.
Tu disseste: Então escreves tu primeiro. Eu não disse nada. Tu disseste: Se escreveres, eu depois respondo-te com uma carta enorme. Uma resma de papel.
Quero ver isso.
Vais ver.
E ficámos a discutir o que escreverias nessa carta. Tu, numa voz afetada e sofrida: Minha querida Mary John, tanto agora como então, és a dona do meu coração.
Sempre tiveste um talento natural para a estupidez, Júlio Bandalho, e eu sou ainda mais naturalmente estúpida, porque não para de pensar nessa frase a rimar.»

Ana Pessoa, Mary John

11 October 2024

World Mental Health Day

Last year, the United Nations Postal Administration issued three postage stamps on 10 October to coincide with the annual recognition of World Mental Health Day. The theme for 2023 was “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right”.

The stamps were illustrated and designed by Sergio Baradat. This one represents Confusion. You can see the rest here.

Also Correos (the Spanish postal administration) issued one stamp on the Mental Health Day, with the Line 024 as protagonist. This is a telephone help line for people with thoughts, ideations or risk of suicidal behaviour, and their families and friends.

In May, I received this postmark from the UK, dedicated to the Mental Health Awareness Week:

10 October 2024

Thursday Postcard Hunt | Sweet Mail Made from Packaging

Postcard made from Japanese sweet packaging, sent to Fabienne (France). And the reply below, also a handmade postcard made of a box of sweets... could not have been more appropriate! 

Thursday Postcard Hunt
October theme: FOOD/DRINKS
  • Week 1 - Fruits, vegetables
  • Week 2 - Sweets, desserts
  • Week 3 - Wine, beer, tea, coffee 
  • Week 4 - Multiples, multiviews
  • Week 5 - Markets, cafés
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!

08 October 2024

5th World Postcard Day

Postcards celebrating World Postcard Day sent by Bryon from the USA and Canada, which arrived on 3rd October. 

I am building a collection! (4th, 3rd, 2nd & 1st)

07 October 2024

States Project | The Sunshine State

The Sunshine State arrived it the peak of the summer, but I am a bit delayed in uploading the States Project arrivals. 

When you think of Florida... aren't the first things that come to your mind beaches and space launchings? That is exactly what appears on the postcard and the stamp!

By the way, have you noticed that Arkansas and Florida share the state bird?

06 October 2024

Sunday Stamps | Viking Brooch

This 11th century brooch is the only stamp I found for today's Sunday Stamps, dedicated to Jewellery. It belongs to the Viking Britain 2024 issue.

04 October 2024

I Need This Rubber Stamp!

It is not unusual that my letters contains a couple of paragraphs about books. This way, I could write an index on the envelope, as Rosemary (Canada) did!