30 January 2022

Sunday Stamps | Lunar New Year

I haven't got any Year of the Tiger stamp yet. But, for today's theme in Sunday Stamps, I am glad to show these stamps sent by my friend Heleen from the Netherlands:


  1. En France le timbre de l'année du tigre n'est sorti que le 24 Janvier ,je ne sais pas si dans les autres pays c'est la même chose ,je t'enverrai un courrier avec ce timbre :)

    1. J'en serais ravie!
      En Espagne, il n'y pas ce genre de timbres.

    2. J'ai reçu tes courriers, Merci beaucoup. Les timbres sont vraiment beaux!

  2. I've never seen the Netherlands New Year stamps, I like them. That dog looks quite shape shifting maybe it could turn itself into a tiger:)

    1. I find these designs quite original, and especially that dog.

  3. Nice to see them again! And now I know that I owe you the year of the Pig, year of the Rat/Mouse and the coming New Year's stamp :-)
    (and I agree with Joy, just some tiny alterations needed to turn the dog into a tiger :-) )


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.