19 September 2015

Dear Valued Postal Customer

Bryon (the USA) wanted to sent me this...

... just to see if it arrive, you know:

And it did. But, for some reason, the USPS considered it was not travelling safe enough and put it in this envelope:

And apologized (For what? I think it is complete, isn't it?):

I love these mail additions. And I love my postmaster writing a letter to me. Even a standard one.

Wait... 202 billion pieces of mail each year? That is... Well, that is a lot.


  1. So kind of them to add an envelope! And yes, I love those additions, too (as you know :-) ).
    And even though the message is a standard one, there must have been a Person adding this, a Post Person, so it proofs it's a Personal treat :-)

    1. I think that sometimes people forget that there are a lot of persons behind "the mail machine".

  2. Genial, que "ca" est arrive en plus avec les notes du USPS

    1. :D
      On peut créer des cartes postales à partir de n'importe quoi!

  3. Potser s'han pensat que faltava un tros de paquet?

  4. Thanks for posting this Eva! I was wondering what it would look like after the long journey!

    1. Of course I should say thank you to you for sending :)
      I think it is complete, isn't it?


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