01 January 2023

Sunday Stamps | The British Museum

The first Sunday Stamps in 2023 is dedicated to Archaeology. So let's start the new year with something old...

These stamps belong to a series issued on 7 October 2003, marking the 250th anniversary of the founding of the British Museum in London (the UK).

The stamp above features Sutton Hoo Helmet c6ooad. Excavated from the ship burial in Suffolk, it is one of only four Anglo-Saxon helmets found in Britain.

The stamp below shows a statue of Alexander the Great, c2OObC . Alexander was deified in his own lifetime, and after his death was worshipped as a god in images such as this.


  1. Alexander looks so very young and androgynous.
    That Sutton Hoo helmet has always fascinated me.

  2. Replies
    1. The second one fits in a favourite theme ;)

  3. Once went to the British Museum to specifically see the Sutton Hoo helmet after visiting Suffolk (I think in the 90s) when archaeologists were investigating the other burial sites there.


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