27 August 2023

Sunday Stamps | Doctors

Madeleine Alexandrine Brès (1842 – 1921) was the first French woman to obtain a medical degree in 1875 after her thesis presentation on the topic of breastfeeding, where she showed that the chemical composition of breast milk is modified during the course of breast-feeding to better aid the growth and development of the infant.

Alice Hamilton (1869 – 1970) was an American physician, research scientist, and author. Her scientific research focused on the study of occupational illnesses and the dangerous effects of industrial metals and chemical compounds. In addition to her scientific work, Hamilton was a social-welfare reformer, humanitarian, and peace activist.

Ševala Zildžić-Iblizović (1903 – 1978) was the first female doctor among Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The stamp was issued in 2002.

Go to Sunday Stamps to discover more stamps dedicated to Persons of Interest.


  1. Wow, the Hamilton women were so very accomplished! And, though they all lived long lives, the most accomplished of them all lived the longest.

  2. Strong and tenacious women

  3. Wonderful stamps, and goo to read about these women.

  4. Wow! A lot of wonderful women. I like the first one about her thesis on breast milk and it’s advantages.


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