04 July 2024

Thursday Postcard Hunt | The Golden State

Postcards sent by Jennifer, Ingrid and Bryon (the USA), showing maps of the state of California in the USA. I love this kind of postcards because they are very informative and entertaining.

Thursday Postcard Hunt
July theme: WAYMARKERS
  • Week 1 - Maps
  • Week 2 - Lighthouses
  • Week 3 - Cathedrals
  • Week 4 - Towers
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!


  1. Great California maps! Maps are one of my favorite subject on postcards!

  2. Another thing to love about these cards is that there are so many varieties.

    1. I agree. You find different details in every map.

  3. Those are nice. I wonder why the one has a palm tree, even a native species, when it isn't the state tree? I like that one best even so, it's bright and I love the quail.

    1. The second one has also a palm tree (as well as state trees, I think). I guess people associate California with palm trees.

  4. I like all the different ways of mapping the states. My favourite is the California one and all the things it is famous for although largest producer of avocados was a new one to me.
    To answer your question, the happiest country in the world is Finland. Makes sense as the Moomins do live there:)

    1. Thanks :)
      I should have guessed, for Finland!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.