19 June 2024

Cross Writing

This postcard sent by Laura (the UK), features a letter sent from Anne Brontë to her friend Ellen Nussey on 5 April 2849.

If you look closely, you will appreciate that it is a crossed letter: a letter which contains two separate sets of writing, one written over the other at right angles. This kind of writing was used in the 19th century to save on expensive postage charges, as well as to save paper. 


  1. Such an interesting postcard!

    Concerning the back sides of my sent postcards, do you think I must learn to crosswrite?
    However, the result seems rather hard to read :-) What do you think?

    1. I don't know anybody able of writing as much as you on the back of a postcard. So maybe you don't need to croosswrite :)

      I've never tried, either.


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