03 June 2024

Ink Project

I received this postcard from Bryon (the USA) on 4 April 2023. He wrote about this project: Japanese ballpoint artist Asuka Sato was curious about how much ink was in a Hi-Tec-C ballpoint pen, so she tested it out. In order to measure, she decided to see how many smiley faces she could draw before the ink ran out. It took her just six days to reach the answer: 29,249 smiley faces. 

X / @satowasuka

Inspired by her, I felt curious about how many postcards I would be able to write with a BIC Cristal pen: the first pen that comes to your mind when you think "a pen", probably the most used around here. 

I labelled the pen "only postcards" and made this page in my notebook. Every time I write a postcard with the pen, I fill a square on the page.

I know it would take more than six days. But, a year later... I have written more than 200 postcards, and there is still half of the ink left. Can you believe it?

I will keep you posted.


  1. 200 cards with only half the ink? Amazing results and research!!!

    1. It seems it will last forever!
      Did you get my letter about the Ink Project?

  2. Replies
    1. Reminds me of the data project. Do the colors have meaning?

    2. They haven't, just random colours.

  3. I did. :). Working on a creative reply now.

  4. Wow! I admire your persistence. Fun challenge!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.